Saturday 10 May 2008

Off on the adventure

(Words by Toni, pics by Jon)

After an early start of packing and repacking and changing our minds about taking the tent for what seemed like the millionth time we finally left the good old spa around 11:30. Our plan, so far, is to take the EuroTunnel from Folkestone to Calais, and drive to Dunkirk to stay there for the night. All good so far. We got to the hotel room (smelt more like a cabin actually) and immediately had a row over who was getting the top bunk. (Just kidding!) But it did only cost 35 Euros for the night. Like Jon said, it's actually quite satisfying to get exactly what you've paid for, without any pretensions. The only real hitch was that it was about 4km out of town - no problem we thought. It would be good to ignore the travel restaurent next door and walk to town and work up an appetite for dinner. I will enjoy moulesfrites even more. After trudging through a dreary industrial estate for nearly an hour the intrepid exploreres were foiled by a motorway bypass that was inpenitrable. Thus there voyage on foot thrawted they returned weary and hungry to their cabin. However, all was not lost - they got their dinner and a wonderful desert as their reward. Sadly at a price - Jon balked at the cost of the beer - £2.50 for a half. I'll leave you, dear reader, to imagine the price of the rest.

PS: left a vital piece of equipment at home - the travel adaptor. Without this, no computer or blogging, or phone charger. Make mental note to selves to buy one asap.

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